Core Investments / Operating Programs
Letter from Program Director
This letter will provide you with insight into what ACBP’s financial investment and additional involvement has meant to this organization from their inception until now.
The Green Environment Fund (GEF)
In 2002 ACBP joined forces with several other foundations to form the Green Environment Fund. On the assumption that combined resources, experience, and knowledge would enable the partners to influence the field more than any one could do alone, the Nathan Cummings Foundation, the Morningstar Foundation, the New Israel Fund, the Sebba Foundation, and ACBP have been working together for more than a decade. The driving principles underlying GEF include safeguarding Israel’s natural resources, preventing environmental degradation, and protecting citizens from environmental dangers.
Through GEF, ACBP supports grass roots environmental organizations, large and small, traditional and new, seeing them as the key vehicle of change. GEF attempts to strengthen the sustainability of grass roots entities, and to transform the movement into a force with real power in Israel, seeing them as the key vehicle of change.